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产品关键词:进口立式屏蔽泵 进口立式屏蔽泵 进口立式屏蔽泵 进口立式屏蔽泵
  • 产品名称:进口立式屏蔽泵(欧美进口品牌)
  • 产品编号:
  • 产品商标:GRIMM
  • 产品规格:空
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2020/12/14 14:29:39
  • 点击次数:2955次

英国GRIMM格林进口立式屏蔽泵 UK GRIMM Vertical shield pump imported



        进口立式屏蔽泵系列性能参数基本符合国际标准IS02858及英国标准ASME B73的规定。具有设计规范,通用化程度高,结构合理,性能稳定,运转低噪音,无振动等显著特点,是替代常规卧式离心泵,立式管道泵的理想产品。













UK GRIMM Vertical shield pump imported summary:

           Imported vertical shield pump, and absorb the international pump design and manufacture of advanced technology, shielding technology in the motor liquid transportation field, new products to meet domestic market demand and latest series.

        Imported vertical shield pump series of performance parameters basically comply with international standards IS02858 and the British standard ASME B73 regulations. The utility model has the advantages of high design specifications, high generalization degree, reasonable structure, stable performance, low operation, no noise, no vibration, etc. the utility model is an ideal product for replacing the conventional horizontal centrifugal pump and vertical pipe pump.

        A full range of 67 varieties, 184 specifications, its performance range: flow 6.3 ~ 1080m3/h, lift 12.5 ~ 125m, with motor power 0.37 ~ 160kW, speed 1450r/min and 2900r/min.

UK GRIMM Vertical shield pump imported characteristic:





1.Compact pump structure, pump integration, small size. The vertical structure of the utility model has the advantages of small installation space, balanced operation, and no adjustment for installation.

2.Pump inlet and outlet design into the same specifications flange, and located in the same central line, can be installed directly on the pipeline as the valve, and the center is low, easy to pipe layout, installation is particularly convenient.

3.Pump and motor coaxial, axial size is short, so that the pump runs more smoothly, low noise.

4, the abolition of traditional shaft seal way, to avoid the transmission medium leakage, so it has no obvious leakage characteristics.

5.With sliding bearings instead of conventional motor rolling bearings, so that the pump has a particularly smooth operation, vibration, noise is very low.

6.Installation and maintenance convenience, without dismantling the pipeline system, as long as the removal of the connecting nut, you can extract all rotor components for inspection and maintenance.

7.According to the requirements, namely the flow and lift the need for pump series and parallel operation.

UK GRIMM Vertical shield pump imported technical parameter:







Flow rate: 6.3 ~ 1080m3/h

Lift: 12.5 ~ 125m

Caliber: 40 ~ 300mm

Speed: 1450r/min, 2900r/min

Power: 0.37 ~ 160kw

UK GRIMM Vertical shield pump imported main purpose:


1.Imported vertical shield pump, ordinary type for the delivery of clean water and physical and chemical properties similar to the use of clean water of other liquids. The medium temperature does not exceed 80 degrees, suitable for the industry and the city water supply and drainage, water pressure high-rise buildings, garden sprinkler, fire booster, long-distance transportation, HVAC refrigeration cycle, bathroom water pressurization and heating equipment supporting. Particularly suitable for vibration and noise requirements of high places, such as underground pumping stations, air-conditioning, refrigeration systems.

2.Imported mainly for conveying hot water pump type temperature does not exceed 160 degrees without solid particles with soft water, suitable for energy, metallurgy, chemical, textile, papermaking, hotels, restaurants, bathrooms, hot water boiler and heating system of city cyclic transportation circulation etc..

3.Imported shield pump, anticorrosive transportation, without solid particles, corrosive, viscosity similar to water liquid, applicable to petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, power, paper making, food, pharmaceutical and synthetic fiber and other departments.

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